Publication Policy

Terms, Conditions, Plagiarism Policy and Publication Ethics for the IHECON2024

  • All submissions must be checked for plagiarism using plagiarism detection software.
  • The scientific committee will reviewe all papers by in a double-blind process according to strict evaluation standards for originality, quality, and suitability for the purpose of the conference.
  • Authors whose abstracts are accepted must follow the rules set by the conference for presentation (oral or poster) and full text writing.
  • Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline.
  • Full texts must be submitted by the deadline.
  • All submissions should be original and should not have been published in any previous publications. 
  • Full texts must be submitted in the formats (.docx and .doc) specified by the conference.

Paper Publication Opportunity

Abstract Book

Your abstracts will be published as an e-book by Ondokuz Mayıs University Press with an ISBN number. Abstract book will be published in the announcements section of our website on September 10, 2024.

Full Text Publication

Your full text will be published as an e-book by Ondokuz Mayıs University Press with an ISBN number. Full text book will be published in the announcements section of our website.

Important Announcement for Participants: A planning is underway regarding the submission process to Web of Science for the papers submitted to the conference. Detailed information about the Web of Science application and the process can be accessed through the access link provided below.

For papers submitted to the conference and accepted after editorial processes, inclusion in the
Web of Science (WoS) and application for publication by WoS require payment of an additional fee. This extra fee is not included in the conference registration fee.

Click here for more information about Web of Science Conference Proceedings Citation Index Evaluation Process and Selection Criteria